yellow wind warning bells, half past, a notebook, full still she stands there: blown ♦… Read the postpost
dry erase pen squeak ladle circles, deep-dives gold Tuesday’s woe, defied ♦ —Jodi Vander Molen… Read the postSaturday
cyclone winds to Oz eighteen hundred daily squirts five more years to tin ♦ —Jodi… Read the postoil can
shades, ten pair, back seat soaked shirt buries war-trench brow leaf lands, open trunk ♦… Read the posttossed
bed, a stage, a life backhoe edges lakeside shore cricket squats near curb ♦ —Jodi… Read the postabut
ice cream shop gone dark ceiling fan blades still, with dust self-exam, red socks ♦… Read the postdetections