
July 23, 2024

hard-pressed, bark-bite heat sap test, thumb and fore, silk stretch earring: fallen, blue ♦ —Jodi…

July 16, 2024
July 9, 2024

gravel, truck! : make way creek-bridge approach, right angle megawatt-grin wave ♦ —Jodi Vander Molen…

July 2, 2024

awake at the wheel book bag, parking lot puddle waning crescent blue ♦ —Jodi Vander…

June 25, 2024

under the wire heavy-lidded pen droop clash Tuesday’s victory ♦ —Jodi Vander Molen @jvwords

June 18, 2024

cordwalk, chasing sun gull claw theories, set in sand June’s stiff upper lip ♦ —Jodi…

June 11, 2024

spine bead sweat flow heat mower noise in the morning expiration date ♦ —Jodi Vander…

June 4, 2024

quenching showers, deep so much prelude, so much green four cups, each one pour ♦…

May 28, 2024


eyes beneath your lids sneakers dart, unwaking, dance side, together, slide ♦ —Jodi Vander Molen…

May 21, 2024